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About Me

Born in Melbourne, singing was an important part of my childhood and teenage years, undertaking formal training from about the age of 9 with Myrtle Liddy who herself was instructed by Dame Nellie Melba, moving on to Dianne Dubarry in the latter part of my training.

Performing regularly as a teenager with a voluntary group called the Boomerangs, we would rehearse weekly at North Melbourne Town Hall and perform most weekends for elderly citizen homes, festivals, and hostels.

In addition to this, successful campaigns on Quest, Search for a Star and New Faces would see me regularly appearing on these television shows. I would appear on Young Talent Time as a contestant, being invited back, appearing on heats and a series of finals over a number of years.

With the opportunities not as broad as they are today, my singing would have to fit in with a paying job, however, over the years I have continued to do what ever corporate functions I have been able to do, as well as putting together a couple of c.d.’s. My latest c.d. has seen me turn my hand to song writing, with Living the Dream and I am hopeful that I can make more time to peruse this avenue further. Prior to this my writing had been limited to jingles and theme songs for the Super Trucks and the S.A. Road Transport Association.

These days I juggle my love of singing and performing with my demanding role as a Director of Whiteline Transport and Whiteline Racing, my position on the Board of S.A. Road Transport and fund raising activities as they arise. I am co-founder of Foundation Shine, more information can be found at www.foundationshine.org.au.

For me, it is a real thrill when someone tells you your songs got them through a traffic jam, helped conquer the housework, made a dinner with friends more pleasant or whatever the reason was they were listening to you. It is overwhelming while I am sitting in my world doing what it is I do, unknowingly I am kind of in the Company of others.